16th of Movember

I have noticed that my face feels kind of weird...no really, I wonder why, I hear you cry!!

11th of Movember

...it makes me laugh when I see it as looking in the mirror I thought I have more hair on my chin than I do on my head now and I am not referring to the balding patch on my crown!!

10th of Movember

...to make it look less like I haven't just bothered not to shave and more like I am actually trying to cultivate something here.

9th of Movember

...little to show for it I know but I can't make want don't grow in this month of MoBro!!

8th of Movember

Before the month is out I can have as many faces as there are emoticons...could be my next challenge, eh.

6th of Movember

...perhaps that is more because of the bald patches I have noticed as I investigate the parts other beards don't seem to reach.